Some may wonder why I made this website. I believe our country has lost its focus of the ideals established by our founding fathers. I beleive our country is a great nation but facts prove we are letting it slip away from us. We have been taught from our earliest childhood years we are #1 in the world. the truth is we generally rank 8th to 15th on most quality of life catagories and first to 5th in some negative categories. While we do rank at the upper end of most charts, WE ARE NOT #1. We need to be honest with ourselves incomparison with the rest of the world. Our governing process is not the pinacle of social order any long. It has served us well up to now. We have let corprate money take over our political system. Corporations can give huge amounts to political campaigns. Lobbyist's with deep pockets influence our legislature. Corporations pay a much lower tax rate then the working class while the wealth gap has sky rocketed. It took many thousands of years to get where we are now, but our political system is not the perfect docterine for governing mankind. Many are affraid of change. Look at our forfathers. When they designed our government it was an extremley radical change. It set the standard to be achieved and hoped for. It was the guide post for the rest of the world.